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Suggestion Box / Re: Almost Christmas
« Last post by flintboomer on October 21, 2024, 11:38:07 AM »
 santa Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzen...
So it tastes a lot like elk?  :mini-devil-28492: hntr
Suggestion Box / Re: Almost Christmas
« Last post by hotfxr on October 21, 2024, 12:20:24 AM »
Tastes like chicken!
Standard answer.

I've actually had it, a lot like elk. Or at least the elk I was fed.
Suggestion Box / Re: Almost Christmas
« Last post by Hanshi on October 20, 2024, 01:21:48 PM »
Good question, what does caribou taste like?  Any takers?
Suggestion Box / Re: Almost Christmas
« Last post by flintboomer on October 19, 2024, 03:58:45 PM »
It"s almost deer season for me. I wonder what caribou/reindeer tastes like??? Has anyone out there tried it?
Suggestion Box / Almost Christmas
« Last post by Hanshi on October 19, 2024, 11:40:05 AM »
Just a couple of months till Christmas; time does fly.  Does anyone have plans to post something, anything before Santa comes?  Has anyone posted since Independence Day?

This would be a good time to post your wish list to Santa right here on TMC.  I'll go second because I don't want to be the only one to post.   santa
Smoothbore and Shotguns / Re: Felt Wads
« Last post by Hanshi on September 27, 2024, 01:54:08 PM »
Hanshi, you are supposed to put a lead ball or some shot over the hornet nest wadding so it does more than "sting" the small game.   :mini-devil-28492: hntr hdslp whipping
Old thread but then what's new?  I used to use hornets nest in my pistol but had to stop when complaints of the loads "stinging" from small game started coming in.

You are going to the bad place for that one bro!   :qz:

I think I may have already signed that on that line long ago, just can't remember.  But point taken concerning the addition of a lead ball over the wadding.

I know I should seek forgiveness for the "stinging" remark but doubt any would would be granted.  However!  It does take for...honesty...uh...guts to post something that will likely end up with a "contract" being put out on me.  hotfxr, bro, you may yet end up a single sibling.

Meanwhile I am still here even if in "much used" condition.  Had chest x-ray today - I hope that was what all it involved.  wtch
Smoothbore and Shotguns / Re: Felt Wads
« Last post by flintboomer on September 27, 2024, 08:31:21 AM »
Hanshi, you are supposed to put a lead ball or some shot over the hornet nest wadding so it does more than "sting" the small game.   :mini-devil-28492: hntr hdslp whipping
Smoothbore and Shotguns / Re: Felt Wads
« Last post by hotfxr on September 27, 2024, 01:32:59 AM »
Old thread but then what's new?  I used to use hornets nest in my pistol but had to stop when complaints of the loads "stinging" from small game started coming in.

You are going to the bad place for that one bro!   :qz:
Smoothbore and Shotguns / Stirring things up
« Last post by Hanshi on September 26, 2024, 02:13:20 PM »
I have a nice 20 ga smoothbore flintlock that I've used successfully on deer and for "fun" shooting.  It is used exclusively (almost) with ball and truly excels with prb.  My bare ball load does well up to about 50 yards.

The gun weighs right at 8 lbs with a 38" barrel and sports a rear sight making it as easy to shoot as a rifle.  I have yet to do much with shot but from the little bit I have done with the gun any turkey worth his salt had better learn to duck.  I've never done any wing shooting and won't be doing any since I no longer hunt.

This gun is super reliable with it's big Colonial Va. lock and has only one job; fun shooting when I feel like throwing a 300 grn. patched ball down range.

I like this kind of gun and don't mind critiques (+ or -) and do like hearing about YOUR GUNS and your preferences.

Smoothbore and Shotguns / Re: Felt Wads
« Last post by Hanshi on September 26, 2024, 01:32:01 PM »
Old thread but then what's new?  I used to use hornets nest in my pistol but had to stop when complaints of the loads "stinging" from small game started coming in.
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